Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cardiac Rehab

I was at an evening meeting a few days ago filled mostly with hospital folks who are making a concerted effort to improve their communication with patients and family members. Any hospital with this as a goal is to be applauded. Sitting to my left with the director of Cardiac Rehab for this hospital. As we chatted he said something that just floored me. He said that recent statistics indicated that only 13% of patients eligible to receive rehab services after bypass surgery actually go to rehab! I didn't have time have time to question him more, but I plan to. As I look back on my experience with bypass surgery without a doubt one of the most helpful things I did was rehab. It helped me regain my strength and stamina. I had people to talk to who had been through the surgery, and I got some great information from a group of caring health professionals. If you have just had your surgery or are facing it soon please talk to you doctor about cardiac rehab. I promise you it will make a difference in your recovery.