In Kate Dailey's blog about Bill Clinton's recent heart procedure she made clear something that anyone with coronary artery disease ought to know. Sometimes your arteries can block again no matter what you do. That, of course, doesn't mean it doesn't matter what you eat or whether you take your medicine, but the truth is President Clinton, by all accounts, had changed his lifestyle, was taking good physical care of himself, but he still had another blockage. Let's face it, some of us have heredity working against. The good news is that we are still not helpless and hopeless. I think that that Clinton's story ended well for a very simple reason. He had chest pains and he didn't ignore it. I remember well that when I went in the hospital for my bypass my diagnosis was coronary artery disease and when I was discharged that was still my diagnosis. I wish President Clinton many more years of quality life, but more importantly I wish for all of us dealing with his condition to learn from his actions. It could save our life.