On Monday I got a call from the former director of the Memphis area of the Heart Association. When I served on their Advisory Council he was a real help and encouragement to me. He called to inform me that his father-in-law was hours away from heart bypass surgery, and he was nervous and really want to talk to someone who had been through the surgery. As soon as that call ended I made a call and spoke to both his father and mother-in-law. I could tell the call seemed to calm him down, and I knew that I had done some good.
All of you who have had bypass surgery have a gift to give others, and that is the gift of your story. Even if you had complications from your surgery you still have a story that can help others. I clearly remember before my bypass, now nearly six years ago, how much I wanted to talk to people how had been through it. I the years since my surgery I have had numerous opportunities to talk to people who were filled with fear, dread, apprehension, and a host of other feelings. With each one I have noticed the power of story to help them. I am sure to tell them that I am telling my story, and that there's will likely be different from mine. Even so, I watch each time I share my story how it always seems to resonate with each person in some way. This is especially true if I am able to speak with them after the surgery.
Remember. A gift is not a gift unless it is shared. Why not take the time and reach out to someone who could benifit from your story. As I have told my story to others about to go through heart bypass surgery I have been blessed myself. There is great healing power for yourself every time you reach out help another person.