Mark was an espiring film maker. He seemed to be on the verge of really making it in the world of film. He died at 29 of a heart attack. People 29 don't die of heart attacks, but Mark did. Of course his parents are greaf stricken, and everyone else close to him is in shock. I found out that Mark had abnormally high colestrol levels. I am not qualified to speak about what, if anything, could have been done to prevent his death. My father was 69 when he had his bypass surgery. He seemed typical. He smoked until he was sixty and ate a Southern high fat diet. My brother was in his early fifties and was a heavy smoker when he went under the knife. I, on the other hand, was only 46 and a non-smoker when I had quadruple bypass surgery, and now I encounter a truly young man cut down as his career begins to take off. I guess the bottom line is that heart disease is just not a disease that we can not worry about until our retirement years.
Mark Norris 1982-2011