Monday, April 13, 2009

Sick and Tire of Being Sick

What do kidney stones have to do with coronary artery disease? Not very much I hope.  It is a little past midnight and I just got home from the emergency room after suffering complications from a kidney stone attack over two weeks ago. Last Wednesday the urologist removed a small stone and inserted a stent in my right ureter.  My body not being particularly thrilled with the insertion of a foreign object basically rebelled.  My weekend was most unpleasant, but Monday was supposed to be great because today was the day to get that stent out. Well out it came and within three hours my ureter has swollen shut and I experienced pain that I would not wish on my worst enemy, well at least most of my worst enemies.  I am no at home feeling much better, but wondering if I am just falling apart. I seem to be able to accept that reality in a much better frame of mind than I did after my heart surgery. I have said this several times on this blog, but it is so true. There is just something so different about heart surgery. I have experienced many things more physically painful than bypass surgery. Today being one of them.  At this moment I feel good. I was blessed with another day albeit a painful one. I got to look at some wonderful pictures of our granddaughter. I realization that I am married to the lady who is and has become my soulmate.

1 comment:

ef0168 said...

Just found this Blog. This is a great site. I had my quad. bypass almost 2 years ago and it is good to hear I am not the only one having these feelings. You are right, none of my doctors even brought up depression or asked how I was feeling mentally. Thanks again for this site. It's like reading my own words.
