Thursday, February 12, 2009

The American Heart Association

AIn my journey with coronary artery disease I have found a real supporter in the American Heart Association. For a long time I never really gave AHA much thought. That was before I got involved and started to find out that they were about helping people and not just about raising money. Oh, they raise money, lots of it, but it's what they have done and continue to do with the money that really got my attention. It wasn't that long ago that I found out that the heart lung machine was developed thanks in large measure to research grants from the AHA, and without that machine no bypass surgery, and without that machine I don't think I would be writing this now. That realization has helped me to get involved with the Memphis area AHA. I wish I could give them more of my money, because in a real sense I owe them my life.  


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......

Rachel said...

I have congenital heart disease, and it wasn't until I woke up and started walking around with a Gore Helex implant in my chest that I realized I owe my life to organizations such as the AHA and the ACHA (Adult Congenital Heart Association). I was supposed to Lobby in DC the week before last but couldn't because I had a lifeline heart monitor on and can't fly with it. However, going forward, I am going to be a huge advocate! It's great to hear someone else who had a similar experience.