Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Reason For Joy

I was thinking to myself the other day that I am no longer depressed. My life is again filled with joy. If any of you are reading this who are just beginning your journey after bypass don't forget that recovery takes time, and sometimes a lot of time. I have found that when I got back to the point when I became less focused on myself and what might happen in the future, and more focused on the present the better I got. On February 17th my daughter delivered a beautiful little girl named Savannah. She is my new joy. Today is good, and I will choose to claim all that I can from this one day I have, and if blessed with a tomorrow I will do the same with that day.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I don't think I believe my doctor when I was laying in the hospital bed after receiving my implant and he said "you probably won't feel like yourself, for a year". It's so true. Your body really takes a while to adjust

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter.